Smart Lockbox

Coming soon

Let’s reinvent Keyholding together

If you’re interested in chastity or bondage, this would be a perfect thing for you. With this smart Lockbox you can enhance your experience and even give control to your partner(s) or the DomTask community.

Lockbox – Q&A

What will the lockbox look like?

The design is still in development, and can change at any time.

What Features do I get?

That’s not decided yet, but I will create an App for both offline and online use. I’m planning to include timer function that prevents unlocking until the set amount of time has passed, in addition to other functions.

When will it be ready to ship?

That’s difficult to say at the moment. The more People support the project the faster development will get, but I can’t determine a date yet.

Thats sounds very expensive, how much will it cost?

To make it available to everyone that may want it; I plan to print the most of it myself to try and keep the costs down as much as possible.

What do I get from supporting this project?

I planed to give something back to every supporter. The more you give, the more you can get. More information will be available when the product is ready to ship.
